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In the recent several decades, annual total precipitation amount averaged across 61 weather stations in the Republic of Korea has increased by 85.5 mm/decade.

The increase in annual total precipitation is primarily attributed to the increase in heavy rainfall events in summer.

 According to the graph on the left, annual precitation days

(blue line) have decreased by 14%, compared to 1920 while annual rainfall days( purple line) have increased.

This phenomenon resulted in increasing rain intensity by 18%.

Change in Precipitation pattern

Resource : Recent Spatial and Temporal Changes in Means and Extreme Events of Temperature and Precipitation across the Republic of Korea,
Gwangyong Choi·Won-Tae Kwon·Kyung-On Boo·Yu-Mi Cha, Journal of the Korean Geographical Society, Vol. 43, No. 5, 2008(681~700)

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