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  Amount of Precipitation has increased and the number of days with precipitation has increased as well. As a result Flood occurrence has increased. The Flood is an overflow of water that submerges land which is usually dry. Direct damage caused by flood is injuries or deaths due to flooding. Secondary damage is caused by the flooding of the facilities. When the building is flooded, flood victims occur and work has been paralyzed. If road are flooded traffic is paralyzed. Farmland and corp damage is caused in rural. In fishing village ships wear damage.

Precipitation Increase

Lightning & Landslide


  Increasing of precipitation causes direct damage such as flooding, as well as additional damage, such as landslide or lightning. Landslide is suddenly falling rocks or soil because of collapsed mountainside. Heavy rain leads to soil erosion. The landslide occurs easily at eroded soils. Damage caused by landslides are large in size. It causes direct casualties or it blocks the road. Lightning is a sudden electrostatic discharge. The probability of a hit by lightning is low. If you are hit by lightning, the probability of an instaneous death is about 80%. It is a fatal damage. Lightning affects the social infrastructure, as well as personal injury. For example the power supply was cut off because substation had damaged by lightning.

  Recently heavy rain had caused big damage in Chile. The affected area is the Atacama Desert where the rain does not come well. A lot of death and missing person was caused by flooding and many houses were flooded. 13 million people were evacuated because of flooding caused by record rains in Malaysia. Some rivers overflowed. As a result, surrounding area and the road was flooded. The city was paralyzed functions. In addition, rescue ship was overturned so more damage of human life was occurred.


Foreign Case

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